
Showing posts from May, 2022

Visit Vertical Dot for Best SAP S/4 HANA Service

  As an enterprise, one of your main focuses is your employees, their experience, their performance, their management, etc. which makes the Human Resources one of the most important departments of an enterprise. Businesses perform various functions for their smooth and successful running but the role of the HR is quite vast, so they also outsource certain services to People & Process companies that are experts in the said field.  Vertical Dot is one such service provider that offers People & Process consultation through in-depth analysis of the human resources data of the company by using certain tools. Established in the year 2012 and based out of London, this company offers a wide range of services like SAP HCM, Data Migration, SAP S/4 HANA (for ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning) SAP SuccessFactors, Employee Data Management, etc. It has 4 main domains under which all their services fall, they are: Implementation, Technical Services, HR Advisory and Support & Training.  V

The Importance of Workforce Planning and HR Advisory in An Organization

  The Human Resources is one of the most important departments in a company as they are the ones who are the first to interact with potential employees during the hiring process. Being sort of a liaison between the company’s top management and the workforce, they are the ones who hear about it first and help both the parties settle on decisions when it comes to the compensation, their position in the company, leaves, workforce planning , holidays, workplace issues and the things that follow. The HR’s role is not limited to just these aspects and there are many sub-departments that look over different issues and many companies outsource certain aspects of the Human Resources to companies who are experienced professionals and experts on People & Process and are equipped with the tool necessary for executing HR related stuff. Vertical Dot is one such People & Process company that offers a wide range of services like HR Advisory, Technical Services, Implementation and AMS, Support